Invenzioni & Inventori
Invenzioni and Inventori (Eclectica Publishing) (1996).ISO
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Text File
409 lines
on super_corr_inv
set lab to the labellist
-- put lab
-- cambia_hilite
-- controlla_var_vuote
-- cambia_script_audio
-- spegni_su_icone
go "menu"
set mar to marker(0)
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of cast "menu_1m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
-- set the scripttext of member num_script to scommenta(pgm_new) & return
set mar to mar +1
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "menu_2m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
if offset("articolo",lab) > 0 then
go "articolo"
set mar to marker(0)
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "articolo_1m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
set mar to mar +1
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "articolo_2m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
set mar to mar +1
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "articolo_3m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
end if
if offset("viaggio",lab) > 0 then
go "viaggio"
set mar to marker(0)
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "viaggio_1m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
set mar to mar +1
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "viaggio_2m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
-- set mar to mar +1
-- commenta mar
-- set num_script to the framescript
-- set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
-- set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "viaggio_3m"
-- set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
end if
if offset("video",lab) > 0 then
go "video"
set mar to marker(0)
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "video_1m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
set mar to mar +1
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "video_2m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
set mar to mar +1
commenta mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set pgm_new to the scripttext of member "video_3m"
set the scripttext of member num_script to pgm & return & return & scommenta(pgm_new) & return
end if
on crea_init
set lab to the labellist
set stringa to ""
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "on inizializza")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global canale_audio")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global audio_nonbarrato,audio_barrato")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global video_esterno,audio_intro")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global lista_en_menu,lista_en_viaggio,lista_en_articolo,lista_en_video")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global dove_articolo,dove_video")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global video_bool,testo_bool,audio_bool,correlati_bool,viaggio_bool")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global Att_hil_inv_dacast,att_hil_inv_quanti,att_hil_inv_sprite")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "global olddove")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set olddove to 0")
-- audio_nonbarrato vale il numero del cast dove Φ messa l'
-- audio chiuso (altoparlante SENZA croce)
-- se presente vale il numero del cast altrimenti 0
set audio_nonbarrato to 0
repeat with x=1 to 10000
if the type of member x = #bitmap then
set nome to the name of cast x
if offset("O0000011",nome)>0 then
set audio_nonbarrato to x-1
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set audio_nonbarrato to "& audio_nonbarrato)
-- canale_audio Φ lo sprite dove Φ messa l'icona audio
-- se presente vale il numero del canale altrimenti 0
set canale_audio to 0
go "menu"
repeat with x=1 to 48
set y to the castnum of sprite x
if y>0 and y<1000 then
set nome to the name of cast y
if y=audio_nonbarrato and audio_nonbarrato>0 then
set canale_audio to x
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set canale_audio to "& canale_audio)
-- audio_barrato vale il numero del cast dove Φ messa la
-- audio_barrato (Altoparlante CON la croce)
-- se presente vale il numero del cast altrimenti 0
set audio_barrato to 0
repeat with x=1 to 10000
if the type of member x = #bitmap then
set nome to the name of cast x
if offset("O0000007",nome)>0 then
set audio_barrato to x
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set audio_barrato to "& audio_barrato)
-- audio_intro Φ il nome del file dell'audio introduttivo
-- se presente vale il nome del file altrimenti ""
set audio_intro to ""
go "menu"
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
set off1 to offset (" suonotori ",pgm)
delete char 1 to off1 of pgm
set off2 to offset (QUOTE,pgm)
delete char 1 to off2 of pgm
set off3 to offset (QUOTE,pgm)
if off1>0 and off2>0 and off3>0 then
set audio_intro to char 1 to off3-1 of pgm
end if
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set audio_intro to "& QUOTE & audio_intro & QUOTE)
-- video_esterno vale il nome del video storico
-- se presente vale il nome del file .MOV altrimenti ""
set video_esterno to ""
repeat with x=1 to 10000
if the type of member x = #digitalvideo then
set nome to the name of cast x
if char 1 of nome= "V" and char 2 of nome = "P" then
set video_esterno to nome
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set video_esterno to " & QUOTE & video_esterno & QUOTE)
-- att_hil_inv_dacast = primo parametro della funzione ATT_HILITEC
-- att_hil_inv_quanti = secondo parametro della funzione ATT_HILITEC
-- att_hil_inv_sprite = terzo parametro della funzione ATT_HILITEC
set att_hil_inv_dacast to 0
set att_hil_inv_quanti to 0
set att_hil_inv_sprite to 0
if offset("viaggio",lab)> 0 then
go "viaggio"
set mar to marker(0)
set mar to mar+1
go mar
set num_script to the framescript
set pgm to the scripttext of member num_script
if offset("att_hil_invent ",pgm)> 0 then
set off1 to offset ("att_hil_invent ",pgm)
delete char 1 to off1 of pgm
set off2 to offset (" ",pgm)
delete char 1 to off2 of pgm
set off3 to offset (return,pgm)
if off1>0 and off2>0 and off3>0 then
set str to char 1 to off3-1 of pgm
set off4 to offset(",",str)
set num1 to char 1 to off4-1 of str
set att_hil_inv_dacast to value(num1)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set att_hil_inv_dacast to " & att_hil_inv_dacast)
delete char 1 to off4 of str
set off4 to offset(",",str)
set num1 to char 1 to off4-1 of str
set att_hil_inv_quanti to value(num1)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set att_hil_inv_quanti to " & att_hil_inv_quanti)
delete char 1 to off4 of str
set num1 to str
set att_hil_inv_sprite to value(num1)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set att_hil_inv_sprite to " & att_hil_inv_sprite)
end if
end if
end if
put att_hil_inv_dacast
put att_hil_inv_quanti
put att_hil_inv_sprite
-- dove_articolo setta la variabile DOVE in articolo
-- dove_video setta la variabile DOVE in video
set dove_articolo to 0
set dove_video to 0
set conta to 1
repeat with x=att_hil_inv_dacast to att_hil_inv_dacast+att_hil_inv_quanti
set nome to the name of cast x
if offset("O0000009",nome) >0 then set dove_video to conta
if offset("O0000008",nome) >0 then set dove_articolo to conta
set conta to conta+1
end repeat
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set dove_video to " & dove_video)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set dove_articolo to " & dove_articolo)
-- lista_en_menu lista per attivare la funzione ENTRATA in MENU
-- lista_en_viaggio lista per attivare la funzione ENTRATA in VIAGGIO
-- lista_en_articolo lista per attivare la funzione ENTRATA in ARTICOLO
-- lista_en_video lista per attivare la funzione ENTRATA in VIDEO
set lista_en_menu to []
set lista_en_viaggio to []
set lista_en_articolo to []
set lista_en_video to []
if offset("menu",lab) then set lista_en_menu to crea_lista ("menu")
if offset("viaggio",lab) then set lista_en_viaggio to crea_lista ("viaggio")
if offset("articolo",lab) then set lista_en_articolo to crea_lista ("articolo")
if offset("video",lab) then set lista_en_video to crea_lista ("video")
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set lista_en_menu to " & lista_en_menu)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set lista_en_articolo to " & lista_en_articolo)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set lista_en_viaggio to " & lista_en_viaggio)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "set lista_en_video to " & lista_en_video)
set stringa to ins_frase (stringa,"", "end" )
put stringa
repeat with x=1 to 10000
if the type of member x = #script then
set pgm to the scripttext of member x
if offset ("on super_corr_inv",pgm) then
set n_cast to x
exit repeat
end if
end if
end repeat
if n_cast >0 then
set off1 to offset(return & "-- xyz",pgm)
put off1
set pgm to char 1 to off1-1 of pgm
set new_str to pgm & return & return & "-- xyz *** NON TOGLIERE QUESTA RIGA"& return & return & return & stringa & return
set the scripttext of member N_cast to new_str
end if
on inizializza
global canale_audio
global audio_nonbarrato,audio_barrato
global video_esterno,audio_intro
global lista_en_menu,lista_en_viaggio,lista_en_articolo,lista_en_video
global dove_articolo,dove_video
global video_bool,testo_bool,audio_bool,correlati_bool,viaggio_bool
global Att_hil_inv_dacast,att_hil_inv_quanti,att_hil_inv_sprite
global olddove
set olddove to 0
set audio_nonbarrato to 123
set canale_audio to 44
set audio_barrato to 125
set audio_intro to "Ap059sa"
set video_esterno to ""
set att_hil_inv_dacast to 118
set att_hil_inv_quanti to 2
set att_hil_inv_sprite to 45
set dove_video to 0
set dove_articolo to 2
set lista_en_menu to [1, 3, 44, 47]
set lista_en_articolo to [1, 2, 4, 6, 14, 16, 44, 47]
set lista_en_viaggio to [1, 3, 44, 47]
set lista_en_video to []